Monday, 7 November 2011

Lady Gaga-- In Design

I created this using InDesign. I had to make text boxes to put in text like magazines would. I also had to put a picture of lady gaga in and i chose this one because she is slim and it helps the text to fit in easily. we had to do text wrapping and rough sketch an invisible line around her body shape so the text didnt touch her body.

This is the finished piece.


  1. Lucy
    Good work on this. You have shown that you can create a page with three columns, place an image, create a path around it and add placeholder text. You have done a good job wrapping the text around the image.
    This is a MERIT
    To make it even better you should fix up the picture. It is a bit SQUISHED - you need to make sure you resize images so that they are not made to look too tall or too wide.
    Also add DROP CAPS and a HEADLINE to the page to make it look more professional

    Mr Monahan
